Sunday, November 21, 2010


Globalization is the process of increasing connectivity and interdependence of the among nations’ markets, businesses and even societies. With the dramatic advance in technology, transportation and communication in recent decades, nations around the world are able to exchange their technologies, cultures and values. Globalization stimulates competitions, engenders better products, lower the prices in an economic prospective, yet it also generates cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism, countries imposed their cultures (languages or values) on other nation, reflects imbalance in global power structure. Today, as a global economic and political power, the US is inevitably intruding into the cultures of other counties of the world. Through the media, US is spreading its values on human rights and political structures (democracy) to other nations. One of the media sources could be the profuse export films. Films are productions and reflections of a nation’s culture, society and values. Other nations are taking account on how their cultures will adapt and understand messages that are outside their own cultural framework.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Powerful Ad.

I consider this ad to be powerful and persuasive because it appeals to audiences’ safety and emotions. The primary appeal is the fear/safety. The strong images on the ad presented the serious consequences of not wearing a helmet to the readers. Fear appeals emphasize the negative consequences that can occur unless the audience changes a behavior or attitude. I found not only the image on the ad is powerful and formidable but also the copy is persuasive. The ad says: “Every year over 12000 people die on our roads and 30000are seriously injured, that means thousands of families left picking up the pieces families tortured by the loss of loved one.” It uses specific statistical data to support its argument which make it convincing and forceful. Furthermore, it appeals to our emotion because it describes the sadness of losing a loved one and destroying a family. This ad successfully exemplifies the fear/safety appeal.